21 May We sign £20,000 deal to support Hull Children’s University
We are delighted to announce that we have reached an agreement to provide Hull Children’s University with design, digital and PR services valued at £20,000 for the financial year of 2011-12.
The Children’s University is a national charity that works with children aged between seven and 14 each year from local schools, giving them life experiences they would not usually encounter, with the aim of giving them the best possible start in life, and raising their aspirations and ambitions. Hull Children’s University works with around 1,500 children each year.
Kate Carroll, business development and commercial manager at Hull Children’s University, said: “It is fantastic that we have been able to form this partnership with Mercury. They do so much good work for local charitable causes, but to commit this level of support has really blown us away. Undoubtedly, with Mercury’s help, we will be able to raise people’s awareness of Hull Children’s University and the fabulous experiences it delivers for children and young people.”
“Hull Children’s University’s partnerships with local organisations is key to our success, and together we are all helping to shape our future workforce, and undoubtedly the economic success of our city. Mercury’s incredible level of support means we can take our profile to a new level across the city, and beyond. This will help us to change the lives of so many deserving children.”
Kelly Todd, a director at Mercury, said: “We chose Hull Children’s University as our nominated charity this year because we believe in and support their ethos towards working with young people, supporting them personally and academically, preparing them for the rest of their life.
“Hull Children’s University aims to promote a positive attitude and belief in each and every young person they work with, encouraging them to recognise that they each have individual talents which they should utilise at every opportunity. It is a privilege to work with and support such a worthwhile organisation.”
If you would like to help support Hull Children’s University, visit www.justgiving.com/hullcudonate